We are Abby and Tony, a committed married couple with loving children. We were both raised by secure families who taught us that helping others was one of the foundations of being part of a larger world. Both of us have worked successfully in various endeavors throughout our lives and, upon retiring, we chose the path that our parents had instilled in us: giving back.

As with many families, we have experienced challenges. Thirty-five years ago, Tony suffered a catastrophic event in his life that led him to seek a clinical evaluation for ideations of suicide. A diagnosis of mild borderline personality disorder (BPD) was determined as a possible cause for his suffering. Suicide can be one of the many outcomes of suffering with BPD.

Seven years later, Tony attempted suicide and determined he needed help. He flew to Boston, Mass., to check himself into McLean Hospital. With the help of McLean’s expert doctors and top-quality clinical care, Tony went on to lead a fruitful life, including a successful career, a loving marriage and fatherhood.


More than two decades after Tony received help for his BPD diagnosis, Tony and Abby needed exceptional mental health care for their suffering child. After intense research, they found themselves at McLean Hospital again, this time in the 3East Adolescent DBT Program. 3East honors the whole family, treats patients with respect, and mandates family participation. The program applies dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to help their patients – and patients’ families – heal, grow, and flourish. Parents of patients have a life-long membership (The Parent’s Continuum) to attend DBT skills classes once a week to learn and maintain their learned skills.

DBT uses evidence-based cognitive and behavioral therapies along with mindfulness, acceptance, and numerous other skills to help those who are struggling with mental health issues. Not only is DBT an effective form of therapy, but it is also a meaningful way to support communication in all aspects of one’s life.

We have committed a significant six-figure donation to seed Oak Tree Family Fund. Our non-profit is designed to help a diverse range of financially challenged families whose child is attending 3East, and who are actively participating and committed to helping their child and themselves create “a life worth living.”

In our family, we have a saying: “Crumbs make up the loaf.” We are asking all who read our story to embrace our mission and lend a hand in helping to secure “a life worth living” for those who suffer from borderline personality disorder.

“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”

– Mother Teresa

501 Beechwood Drive, Kennett Square, PA 19348

